#carl Winslow
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spaceshipsandpurpledrank · 3 months ago
Key & Peele - Family Matters - Uncensored
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jax784 · 22 days ago
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the-mnp-club · 1 year ago
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romancemedia · 2 months ago
The Winslow women go bald (3x24)
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daydreamingdrawerette · 2 years ago
Sims 2 recreations of Family Matters cast
I granted a Sims request by fourleafcloverr22, which was recreating Steve Urkel, the Winslow family and Myra Monkhouse from the 90s sitcom Family Matters.
DOWNLOAD (SFS folder, sims2pack files)
I used Maxis clothes and hairs on them, so you can dress them easily however you like in Bodyshop The only CC I used were makeup or facial hair on some of them. Please unzip them with Sims2pack Clean Installer to select which CCs you want to include.
TOU: use them however you like, but tag me if you share screenshots with them or upload your edits of them
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dudja · 9 months ago
Charlie as a Lawyer, he loves the gavel 🔨 #itsalwayssunnyinphiladelphia #charlie #birdlaw #familymatters #carlwinslow #comedy #funny #charlieday #charliekelly #mac #dennis
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sailorplank · 2 years ago
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clipartcabaret · 1 year ago
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Baby that looks like the dad from Family Matters clip art.
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cyarsk5230 · 1 year ago
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FAMILY MATTERS 8.11 ‣ “Chick-a-Boom”
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mk-wizard · 2 years ago
Medias Who Failed Due to Picking the Wrong Guy as the MC
As a writer myself, I can confirm that it’s not easy writing a great story and it is even harder to write a great main character (MC), but sometimes, the solution is right in your face: pick someone else to be the MC and that alone fixes EVERYTHING. And no, I am not exaggerating. When you pick someone else to take lead of the story, it changes things and sometimes, for the better. Here are a few medias from movies, to shows, to video games who missed the mark due to running with the wrong guy and who should have been the MC instead... Also note that the following is my personal opinion not absolute. Feel free to disagree.
Note that there are spoilers ahead!
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Final Fantasy 7: It should have been Barret Wallace. - I know Cloud is beloved for his pretty face and big sword, but if we’re talking about who should have been in the hero’s seat, Barret should have been it. And not just because he would have the first FF MC of his type (black, middle aged, a parent, widower, etc.). Barret had motives that were both heroic and personal at the same time in that he wants to save the planet, but he also has a personal stake against Shin-Ra in what it took from him. Had he been treated like a serious character and took the lead, I think the plot of FF7 would have been much better and he would have brought out better in the cast. In fact, I see so many parallels between him and Cecil from FF4. Also, Barret has a perfect balance between heart and flaws. Not to mention that unlike Cloud, he let go of making everything personal and began to fight for the right reasons in the end. He’s a badass and let’s face it, there aren’t enough MCs out there who are good dads.
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Family Matters: It should have kept being Carl and Harriet Winslow. - In the beginning, the underrated couple of sitcom TV were the MC’s, but then the network decided to center the show around Steve Urkel who isn’t even a member of the family. Now, I like Steve Urkel, but he should have stayed a side character the same way Kimmy Gibbler did on Full House. When Carl and Harriet were at the helm, the show was relatable, grounded and just whimsical enough to be fun for the whole family. In never got too silly and did not shy away from serious topics. Most importantly, there was character development which I would have loved to see continue. Steve Urkel may have helped Family Matters get back on its feet, but it was fully capable of continuing to stand on its own and should have.
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The Simpsons: It should have kept being Bart Simpson. - Like Family Matters, this kid was the MC initially and he was great. Bart represented what the Simpsons family embodied and why we loved it: it isn’t perfect or saintly, but filled with love and goodness. Bart is also a fun character to follow because he isn’t just funny. He’s resourceful, clever and is quite the hero. Homer is funny, but... when he took the lead, he took the show in another direction which was fun in the beginning, but in the end, became too silly. If Bart stayed in the driver’s seat, the show would have kept its focus as well as its identity. He probably would have also lead it to ending a lot sooner, but that’s not a bad thing.
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Dragon Ball Z: It should have been Gohan. - I always got the impression that a part of Akira Toriyama wanted to pass the reigns down to the kid, but never wound up doing so which in my opinion, was a waste. Goku had his heroic arc during the first arc, but in the Z arc, the plot seemed to always lean towards needing a hero like Gohan because he was a better fit for what was needed. You see, Goku is noble too, but he fights for honour and to prove himself. Gohan fights because he must and because he wants to protect those he loves. Had Gohan been the star, I think Z arc could have been much better and Goku would have learned to (finally) grow up alongside his son. I mean, it’s not a bad thing to let go and accept that your journey has come to an end. Where one ends, another begins.
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Transformers (2007): It should have been Mikaela Banes. - From the moment she literally took Ravage apart with a chainsaw without messing up her hair, we knew she was more than a pretty face. Mikaela is a fighter and a noble one. The only reason she had a criminal record was because she refused to sell out her dad and even then, there’s more to her. She’s smart, she’s brave, she’s resourceful and has long term life goals. She doesn’t play around nor does she let her involvement with the Transformers get to her head (unlike Sam Witwicky). And as the AU graphic novels showed us, she’s also a born leader. In my opinion, when she left Sam, Bumblebee should have followed suit and followed her instead.
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Final Fantasy 6: It should have been Celes Chere. - Don’t get me wrong, Terra is a badass and belonged in the main cast, but she constantly needed to be kicked in the pants. At times, she even came across as a damsel in distress. Celes was always motivated of her own accord and she is a born leader. After all, she took the reigns when Terra was out for the count and during the end of the world, she brought the team back together. And let’s face it, her romance with Locke is heartwarming.
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Full House/Fuller House: It should have been Danny Tanner. - Possibly the earliest case of a character getting hijacked in their own show... The story of Full House in general was originally Danny’s story about trying to raise his three daughters after becoming a widower with the help of his best friend and brother-in-law. Had Danny not become the show’s sad clown and instead was the lead, not only would have caught a break, the show itself would have flourished. After all, Danny is raising the family not the other way around. And quite frankly, Michelle as a main character made her and the show insufferable. I even think he should have remained the main character in the sequel series as he has experience being a single parent to pass onto to DJ. If anything, it would have still had that little bit of maturity that the audience so hungrily craved.
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Star Wars Episodes 7, 8, 9: It should have been Finn as the hero and Rey as the villain. - I don’t want to be the fan who knocks down the new trilogy because in its defense, it had good bones and introduced good characters who had potential. The problem was that they were given the wrong roles in the story. Finn clearly had a connection to the force and was as plain as day MC material from the get go because like all great Star Wars MCs, he started from the bottom while being clumsy and worked his way up to being a capable young man. In fact, Finn always was motivated and capable. He was just grounded and relatable too because he is still learning to be a rebel. I can say that every time he was on screen, he always inspired me even when he was making mistakes. On the flipside, Rey also had potential, but if there’s one thing she should wound up being, it was the big bad because her greatest motivation was wanting a family though in a way that was obsessive and in so long as she was not in a position where she beneath someone. In other words, her story has a lot of parallels with Anakin Skywalker. Had she gone to the dark side, it ironically would have made her more human because it shows how wanting something obsessively (in her case, a family) even when it is something good, it can become twisted and make you do terrible things. Star Wars is all about growing and working hard towards greatness while cautioning the audience about the pitfalls of obsession, anger and selfishness.
Anyway, that is my list. Do you agree or have anything to add? Let me know. Thanks for reading and as always, stay safe.
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tj-aint-right · 1 month ago
Reginald VelJohnson needs to go on, ahead, and legally change his name to Carl Winslow. Don't nobody respect that man's real name 😆
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misterparadigm · 8 months ago
The timelapse video of my Family Matters illustration (ink and color), complete with opening credits, soundtrack music, and closing credits!
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romancemedia · 2 months ago
Eddie confesses to cheating + the burglars are caught (3x14)
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randomgurl2326 · 1 year ago
Listen Here Bucko’s…
I have notice the SEVERE lack of Harlan Coven’s Shelter fics on this app(and many others) and it has to stop.
I mean come on people; Ema Winslow!?!?!? Arthur Spoon Spindell!?!?!?!? Even fucking Troy for gods’ sake!!
I will be supplying fics for this fandom, but we need more people to write for this show. PLEASE IT HAS SO MUCH POTENTIAL!!!
Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk (^••^)
p.s. I’m proud of you for making it through another day my little chalupa muah. All of you are strong and capable, never forget that💚💜
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cyarskaren52 · 1 year ago
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HARRIETTE & CARL WINSLOW Family Matters · 2x13, “Have Yourself a Merry Winslow Christmas”
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cyarskaren1999-blog · 1 year ago
Aug 1, 2021
Aug 20, 2019
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Family Matters S09E07 “Stevil II: This Time He’s Not Alone”
Plot Synopsis: Today is Halloween and Steve plans to spend a nice, quiet one with his girlfriend, Laura. Unfortunately Stevil, his evil ventriloquist dummy is back with a vengeance with his ex-girlfriend, Myra’s help in putting him back together. This time he’s not alone, his sidekick, Carlsbad is going to help him try to take over Steve and Carl’s souls and place them into their dummy forms meanwhile they pose as the real Steve and Carl. Can Steve and Carl stop them before they wreck havoc in the Winslow House?
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